", Example: We know your company is all about X, we thought youd find value in this recent article analyzing the market for it.. Lastly, this phrase can work really well in follow-up emails like so: To Jackson,How is the project coming along? Occasionally, you might want to get in touch with a prospect, client, or customer just to stay on their radar and to let them know that you have their best interests in mind. ", "Hi, I saw a small glitch on your website when going through it the other day and wanted to bring it to your notice. If you suspect your contact has just forgotten about a project, offer some context in your message to jog their memory. Check how things are going a month after implementing a competitor's product. Let me know if we can discuss this elaborately? i just wanna. They may not be up for an in-depth heart-to-heart right now, but scheduling a future check-in could give them time to deal with whats going on. ", "A new feature, Add CTA to Email has been launched on our tool. 1. Please let me know if youre still interested.. 1 Ask Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. I saw [reference] achieve theirs through [tool/suggestion]. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right Followup, or Follow Up, or Follow-up? Sometimes, all it takes is a few words, letting the person know theyre in your thoughts, to brighten that persons day. I need to know whats going on before taking the next steps.Thank you,Sam Retch, Dear Mr. Sir,Do you have any updates on this problem? Get this comprehensive guide of sales email templates, COB vs EOD? I liked what you had to say about building trust with new subscribers. (Correct Version)6 Steps To Politely Remind Someone To Reply To Your Email. Let me know if theres anything you need from me.. What can I say instead of just checking in Any information you provide to Cake, and all communications between you and Cake, This lets the person know youre thinking of them and that you understand theyre having a hard time. Whether youre networking or pursuing a sale, when you want to stay on your contacts radar, begin with one of these approaches. We'll help you get your affairs in order and make sure nothing is left out. Remember: You have to actually write the post, of course. Ive been missing you and wanted to say hi. They may thank you for your concern, or ask why theyve been in your thoughts then, you can launch full throttle into the convo you want to have. It sounds redundant. Say Furthermore, when we use going on in this manner, were asking for more information about the current proceedings. Reach out to a decision-maker after a blocker leaves the company. Just checking in to see if youve completed that report I asked for. Just checking in to make sure youre coming to the meeting. Just checking in did you get this, and are you able to meet with me? When we say just checking in, were trying to soften the real message: Dont ignore me. ", "Happy Thursday! WebOne of the most worthless things to say at the beginning of a call to a prospect or customer is Im just checking in with you. (The Probation Officer call.) Next time you reach out to your contacts, be sure to steer clear from using just checking in. in any timely way. ", "Hi, great job on the article you posted on Medium. We follow a strict editorial process to provide you with the best content possible. Asking about a persons wellbeing can feel awkward; you want to strike the right mix of caring and relaxed, so they dont feel theyre being grilled. 23 Better Alternatives to the Just Checking Are you free for a call this week to move things forward?. This link will open in a new window. Here are ten alternatives that can be used instead. Just Checking Next time you reach out to your contacts, be sure to steer clear from using just checking in. And if you cant think of a single legitimate reason to follow up that would be beneficial to the recipient, dont. Ive attached a few case studies that I think youll find interesting. It might be useful to you. Thank you. (In fact, I timed that, and it took 19 seconds for me to type.). If your "just checking in" email never landed you a response from your prospects, try the below phrases when writing your next email. Also, notice how in the example above theres no compelling reason for Anna to respond to Toms message. Your messages should provide value to your prospects. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? Can I say just checking in? What can i say instead of just checking Tip: If you're "just checking in" on a family member or friend because they recently lost someone, our post-loss checklist might be worth sharing. Say Instead Of Just Checking It sounds robotic. A recap email works well in these situations, giving you the chance to refresh your prospects memory about the major points you discussed and the specific problems your offer can help them solve. Your friend might have lost someone close to them, or they might be stuck at home sick. Just hearing or reading those words could be enough for the recipient to start feeling a little bit better, if only for a moment. Asking for a status update is a good way to make sure things stay on track. A quiz plugin like [your app] could be the answer to the conversion problem you mentioned. Provide details about a common difficulty faced by your buyers. i just wanted to check. After a meeting or discovery session Suppose its been over a week since you had a call or face-to-face meeting with 2. Just because they began working with a competitors product doesnt necessarily mean theyre in love with it either. I am sure it will make your work easy. But in many cases, its a sincere request based on the fact that they just arent in a position to make any big calls right now. Letting them know youre there if they need to talk can make all the difference. Example: Read our client success story with X and see how their profit grew Y% in a matter of weeks with our service.. Doesnt mean its great though. Heres what the research says about some of the most popular ones. You might pick them up straight from our blog post or get inspired to draft a much interesting follow-up pitch. Its also worth reasserting your hopes that the project turns out to be a success and reminding them that youre available if they need any help. 2. And if you can't think of a single legitimate reason to follow up that would be beneficial to your prospect, don't. I am sure you wouldn't want to see a "just checking in" email in your inbox. say instead Thats why it works both ways. Keeping in touch with your contacts doesnt have to be an email-only affair, of course. Finally, take a look at the following email samples to find out more about it: Hey Craig,Can we schedule a follow-up on the project at some point this week? Are you tired of sending out a generic email thanking the prospect for their understanding? Ultimately, you have to be thoughtful and creative about how you reach out if you want to maximize your responses. Then we could meet for a 15-minute video walk-through so you can see if [software] is the best solution for you. Example: We have a new addition to our executive team, here is an overview of the changes to come upon their arrival.. It may also be easier for the person youre asking to think about their emotions first and articulate what theyre feeling, rather than diving into whats behind them. If you pray for your friends well-being, you might let them know theyre in your. Or, another variation is the Baseball Opening, which is Im calling to just touch base. Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. Your inbox is flooded with notifications and emails - A lot of them are sales pitches and follow-up emails, saying "Hi, Do you have time," or that says "Hey! It also gives them space to talk about good things as well as bad. Its been busy. I scheduled a meeting invite and haven't received any response from you. Have you had a moment to jot those ideas down? 1 Ask Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. Im keen to hear about your progress.Thank you for your time,Sarah, To Mr. Dinners,Can we schedule a follow-up whenever youre next free? Furthermore, we can use this phrase when we want to find out more about the current situation. Prospects will often ask for more time before they can make a decision or continue discussions with you. It just briefly lets them know that theyre in your thoughts, which can go a long way in lifting their spirits. Say Instead of Just Checking email. If you know what the persons been working on lately, you can check in by asking about that specific thing. So lets take a look at some better alternatives to the just checking in email. Ill be happy to help you if youve managed to come across any issues.Thank you,Simone Woodbridgeif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'grammarhow_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-leader-4-0'); Dear Mr. Dean,How are things coming? Here are some examples of how to send a follow-up email: Dear Hansen,I just wanted to follow up on my previous email. Are you free for another call next week? Do you have anything to tell me?All the best,Mr. 23 Better Alternatives to the Just Checking Now, put yourself back in the shoes of a Salesperson. For example, RingCentrals integration with Gong.ios AI analytics engine can be used to analyze all your sales teams conversations with clients and then unearth new insights into what patterns and speech behaviors correlate with successful calls: Similarly, the seamless integrations with most of the popular CRM platforms can level-up your communication capabilities with features like click-to-dial, note logging, and call schedulingall easily available from within the CRM itself. Maybe they missed your last email. Thought you would like to know. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Example: Hi! (Say I apologize for the inconvenience instead) No one likes excuses, and it puts you on the defense. She said your team is still looking for the right project management tool. They may still have big gaps in their understanding of your product or have doubts about its ability to deliver the results they need. Other times theyre waiting for the go-ahead from another project partner. A new law or regulation could impact their urgency. I wondered if [software] is still on your radar. Despite repeated follow-up emails, some prospects never care to respond. This isgreat news for small businesses; you might not be able to compete with huge companies when it comes to price, Small business, SMB communication, SMB employee experience, SMB productivity, Bring everyone and everything together on RingCentral. . This link will open in a new window. of an actual attorney. If you dont, think of one. By checking in on the people in your life, you also strengthen your bonds and your support circle for when you need a helping hand. Example: Hey, [prospect name]. 17. Furthermore, this subject line doesn't mention the value you can create directly. I had lunch with Kristina Smalley yesterday and your name came up. Sometimes the best way to say just checking in is to just come out and say it. Example: With the recent influx of X jobs, I wanted to ask if your company was in need of a product to better serve this newly developed role.. Invite the prospect to an upcoming webinar or educational event your company is hosting. Whenever you happen to think of someone you havent spoken to in a while, you can reach out quickly via text or DM to let them know. . Instagram. Share a relevant industry article. Bring their attention to something their competitor is doing well and ask how they plan to address it. 7 alternatives to "just checking in So it's time you know it has gone cold and send out one last email announcing your breakup with the prospect. I feel like we havent communicated for a while.Kind regards,Evangeline Button, Hello Bruce,Whats going on with the status report? Have a look. Heres a quick comparison of using an email-focused approach vs more flexible methods of communication: For example, some clients may welcome the occasional phone call as a much-needed break from the monotony of responding to emails all day. Get this free checklist to evaluate if if you're ready to retire email (and try something different). Words and Phrases for Just Checking Please let us know what you think! Let's set-up a time to discuss this. And beyond the handy app that has messaging and video conferencing built in, RingCentral also has an outbound contact center thats designed for sales teams to reach out to prospectsand get timely responses. Ive been excited to get your input. If you need any more clarification, dont hesitate to reach out.. Send a how-to guide. Our company would love to schedule an appointment to demonstrate our products new capabilities if youre looking for a better investment.. Cheers, [Salesperson]." Let's set-up a time and discuss. Example: We received news of an event in your region for X industry professionals, we hope to see you there.. You might find this useful. Example: We see your business is trying to improve on X, we believe you could benefit from enacting Y for Z outcome.. A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform. Example: We think it would be a great time to discuss our product solution for your business amid recent developments.. I notice you have been quite busy with the issues lately, and Im here to offer my services.Best wishes,John & Johnson Co. Ways to Say Just Checking In in 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? Can I say just checking in? Of course, you could be turned down for the support. Read it and include a reference to it in the message you send to them. say instead Well, one of the biggest culprits that get conversations stuck in the mud is probably the just checking in emaila phrase so overused that it can make your contacts reluctant to even read your messages, let alone respond to them. If you wonder about the best way to follow up on sales, influence the decision-maker and get that much-awaited response, read this blog post and get more ideas about follow-up email etiquette. 1. Would you like a demo? Subscribe to the Sales Blog below. (No matter what context its used in, itll always kind of sound like your boss is chasing down a report 20 minutes before the deadline.) If youre hoping for a specific result, conclude with a. that points your contact at the next step and prompts action. ", "I've been meaning to ask, how did the conference go? For more examples like this, check out these alternatives to touch base emails. I would love to talk about the project youre working on. Sometimes, just asking how someone is (sincerely) is a meaningful gesture. Finally, these follow-up email examples should help you to make sense of it: Dear Jack,Anything I can help with on the topic that you requested? Even when youre ultimately trying to get something, it can be helpful to give something useful as a lead-in. Example: Hi [prospect name]. 9. Follow-up emails provide a great opportunity to get a little more personal with your prospects. Twitter. Lastly, the following email examples should teach you all you need to know: Dear Juliette,Im just checking in to see if I can do anything to help you with this issue.Please keep me updated,Mrs. I like your viewpoint and share the same with the rest of my clients. When a contact or their company posts something relevant to you, thats a perfect reason to check in. Free and premium plans, Operations software.
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