However, the Sato's Hammer was damaged and stranded in space. However, Ahsoka intervened and gave enough time for Ezra and his companions to escape on the Phantom. Unfortunately, Sabine discovered that Wolffe had secretly contacted the Empire and hidden Ahsoka's communications with the clones. Since Rau had taken his lightsaber, he was unable to fight back. The Presence told him that his anger gave him strength, and Ezra exclaimed that he wanted to become stronger and more powerful so that nobody could hurt his friends again. Dark Ezra Bridger - Works | Archive of Our Own Ahsoka agrees about Anakin; she says he rarely lost a battle and was a kind Jedi who cared about his friends and always looked out for them. Zeb and Kanan are missing their drinking buddy." The path led them-through the wolves' inexplicable means of travel-to the southern hemisphere of Lothal. Unlike most Jedi, she wasn't immediately killed during Order 66 but arrested. He was soon followed by Chopper. He told Sabine that while Kanan was not the easiest teacher, he still meant well. "Sabine", sliding off his bed, Ezra makes his way to the Mandalorian's side and sits on her bed before taking her hand. However, Ezra's skills with a lightsaber soon improved to not only be able to deflect blaster-fire but also destroy his enemies' blasters without harming them, and his natural acrobatic skills enhanced by the Force made him much more agile, able to nimbly weave through battle and bring the fight straight to his enemies. While Phoenix Home evacuated the stolen Y-Wings, Hera and Kanan traveled on the Ghost into the depths of Yarma's atmosphere. In the wake of the destruction of the Phoenix Home, the Rebel network faced a shortage of bases and facilities. They then descended on those above the city, ensnaring the Chimera in their grip as Thrawn and Ezra struggled. There are several constants in the galaxy. there weren't really any big changes. (COMPLETE) After coming round, Ezra told Kanan that he had experienced strange visions of the future but was not sure whether they were things that Maul wanted him to see. In order to save her friend, Sabine shot a Fyrnock off of him and told the boy not to reach much into it when he thanked her. While the warrior was assumed to be Zeb, the child was assumed to be Ezra, who commented that the Ashla sounded like the Force, which according to Kanan had many names. Ultimately, the mission became a success since not only did the rebels succeeded in destroying the Gauntlets and earn permission to pass through the system but also in capturing Rau. En route to rendezvous after the battle of Lothal, Eli, Thrawn and Ezra become shipwrecked on a deserted planet, narrowly escaping the destruction of the Chimaera. Black dots floated in his vision, almost like small particles of dust, and Ezra hoped that it meant he was nearing the climax. Originally, Ezra's skills with a lightsaber were rudimentary. Then finally through the Force told Tseebo he was forgiven and was able to control his fear and connect with the Fyrnocks. Will Ezra succeed or will Sabine be lost forever? Kanan was hoping that while at this abandoned base he could teach Ezra to connect with another being and use the creatures that inhabited the base to attack the Imperials but Ezra felt too scared, not because of the creatures, it was learning the truth of what actually happened to his parents. One of his greatest force skills the ability to sense emotion and connect with life forces around him also gave Ezra the ability to work with unsavory types like Hondo Onaka without being blindsided by the pirates penchant for stabbing people in the back. You said you had been captured several times?, aka an aladdin au i made up entirely based on that one (1) scene in the temple on Malachor. In a desperate bid to destroy as many Empire ships as possible, the crew sent an order for all ships to meet in the Imperial complex where they could be destroyed. Turn me in? (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. (Or, the Fifteenth Brother, and his half-memories stacked in a trenchcoat. Its a long shot and wed be disappointed to see such a beloved character turn to evil but its undeniably interesting. He and Sabine were herded into hangar bay six by their Inquisitor captors, so Zeb created a commotion with the Phantom that enabled Ezra and Sabine to break free of their captors' clutches and board the attack shuttle. (ON HOLD) Inquisitor Ezra Bridger - Works | Archive of Our Own Once inside, Zeb sent Chopper to restore power to the ship. Shortly later, the rebels were contacted by Hera. By the time they arrived, their scanners detected no lifeforms on the planet's surface, and Ezra sensed the Force that all life that lived there had been wiped out. Hera contacted Zeb and Chopper from their errand at the Garel City marketplace to tell them to come aboard, but Lasat and droid found themselves pursued by several Stormtroopers. Hondo escaped aboard the Phantom with the stolen proceeds and Vizago dispatched Ezra and Chopper back to Garel in an escape pod. With Kanan and Rex safely boarding the corvette in an escape pod, the rebels prepared to jump into hyperspace but Titus had the remaining gravity well projectors activated on them. Noticing Hondo fleeing the salvage yard, Ezra contacted the pirate and jokingly asked him why he was leaving, realizing it was typical of the Weequay's behavior, to which Hondo replied he was making his quick escape, noting another successful adventure. With all the ports locked down and on guard, Ezra and his fellow rebels sneaked into the spaceport at the Imperial Complex to steal a shuttle. After the ritual ended, the two were accosted by several fallen Nightsister spirits who demanded that they pay their price in flesh and blood. Ezra and the other rebels boarded the Ghost and engaged Vader's TIE Fighter in a dogfight with Ezra manning the nose gun. Grace Harlow used to live a perfect life. An alternate of Episode IV: A New Hope, based on the crush Luke had on Leia before . With the assistance of fellow cadet Zare Leonis, he succeeded in stealing the decoder from Agent Kallus' office. Ezra also demonstrated his ability to work with Kanan to Force-push each other for advantages in fighting. However, Thrawn warned the pilots that Ezra's team had hijacked the AT-DP walker. So, the light cruiser opened fire on the Ghost and each blast kept missing the ship, and thus the Ghost miraculously jumped into hyperspace through the star cluster, knocking Ezra and his fellow crewmates out due to its bright blast. Ezra continued to improve on his combat style after this, capable of performing acrobatic leaps and attacks. Even though he is slowly turning, there will always be a little spark of light inside him. Ezra and Kanan managed to use their lightsabers to cut their way out of their doomed transport. During the chores, both boy and droid received a distress call from Vizago and departed on the Phantom to locate Vizago's ship, the Broken Horn, where they met Hondo Ohnaka, who claimed to have won the ship from Vizago in a sabaac match. The ghost crew go on a supply run. Darth Maul felt a deep appreciation for Ezras innate Jedi abilities from the moment the two met. Ezra then thanked Kanan for saving him, to which his master told him that he would always come back, reconciling their relationship. With that done for them, the rebels fought their way back to the Ghost and took off, departing and escaping into hyperspace just as Kallus arrived in an Imperial light cruiser. Ezra experienced a vision of twin suns while Maul realized that his old enemy Obi-Wan Kenobi was alive. The two managed to escape by fleeing through the cave entrance, which the spirits could not cross since the altar was their source of power. Hera reluctantly complied but warned to leave on Phantom II if Imperial reinforcements arrived. left kudos on this work! However, Ahsoka pointed out to him that if he saved Kanan, it would change history and result in the rest of the rebels' deaths. After a dangerous but successful hunt for a Joopa, the rebels reluctantly stayed for dinner. Part 3 of my Mustafar Ezra au! The rebels, Gooti, Jonner, and R3 managed to flee aboard the Phantom II but Mart wanted to stay behind and fight. At the Syndulla House, they rendezvoused with Chopper, who was disguised as an Imperial astromech droid. As Ezra fled the city an Imperial TIE Fighter joined the chase destroying the speeder he was riding. Plus, beyond the potential to see their romance come to fruition, there is the lingering knowledge that last we saw him Ezra warped himself and thousands of his enemies to a distant planet. Finally, Ezra also kept a backpack on him, which was filled with stolen gadgets (e.g. His relationship with the crew was initially rocky, but given time Ezra found his rhythm and a place within his new family. In a manner of minutes, the Phantom is gone. Once they arrived and had Chopper power up the station, Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb searched for the supplies, unaware that their presence had attracted the attention of two recently dispatched Inquisitors, The Fifth Brother and The Seventh Sister. This coincided with the appearance of an Imperial fleet above the city which had come to crush the rebel presence there. While Ezra covered for her behind the wall separations and Chopper distracted the Stormtroopers, Hera tried to sneak out through the front door. After some discussion, Sabine reluctantly decided to learn how to wield the Darksaber. With their camp compromised, Hera fled aboard the U-Wing with the flight recorder while Ezra, spotting more of the Loth-Wolves, led the rest of the rebels in following them. While Hera, Sabine, and Zeb traveled to Shantipole in the Phantom, Kanan, Ezra. (The other 20% is in the Stuff Leia Does Not Need To Know category.). However, Ezra and Kanan could still see through the Force. "It's not uncommon around here. Ezra's outfit undergoes several alterations as the series progresses: After constructing his lightsaber, he no longer relies on his energy slingshot. we're at the Jedi temple on Coruscant." As the three departed Nixus, Ezra confided his anxieties about his new responsibilities, but Hondo suggested that he should become a "pirate Jedi". Once there, Bossk sent Ezra to lure his prey, Gronson "Shifty" Takkaro, out; soon enough, however, a confrontation between Bossk and the assassins Angrigo and the Kratchell twins ensued, in which Ezra stunned Takkaro, and Bossk killed the assassins, only for Imperial authorities to surround them. Sabine and Ezra are no longer part of the rebellion after the crew was killed in a rebel bombing. Ezra and Kanan commanded the Fyrnocks to attack the Troopers. Seventh Sister smirked as she called out "How about we start taking some limbs off. Since his blinding, Kanan had become very detached, distancing himself from both his friends and the Force. Instead, she got Chopper to plant explosives all over the building to create a distraction; something that surprised Ezra. Ezra spent several weeks building his own lightsaber using spare parts donated from the Ghost crew. "I need to take this before the council, get some rest. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 42 BBY, Anakinwas conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that . Rex, Kanan, and Zeb refused to fight but Ezra saw an opportunity to obtain the proton bombs that the Rebellion was after. By then, Phoenix Squadron had completed the evacuation of rebel sympathizers on Mykapo. Having accomplished their objectives, the rebels and Hondo's party parted company. Using his Force powers, Ezra managed to deflect the bolts twice. Spotting a gap in the Imperial fleet, Ezra and Kanan took the chance to flee into hyperspace and exit above Lothal, landing the Phantom in Capital City. (Aka a dark side au, where Ezra was aware of his abilities at a young age, and was somewhat exploited by Bounty Hunters after his parents deaths, leading to him becoming privately hired to do the job of an Inquisitor.). Ezra takes Sabine's hand and entwines their fingers. Ezra Bridger was almost completely sure he was done with the Jedi business when Order 66 struck. Ezra left a parting message for his comrades, unaware that he had saved Lothal from any future Imperial attack. Depa Billabas padawans padawan, a child plucked from nowhere, and made into something, a rebel fighter, who refused to give in to the dark, even with his master dead on the floor Its very symbolic of you, jedi-like and blinded by so called goodness, for you to be here, still alive, despite appearing as only hanging parts. . However, Ezra defended Maul and argued they could trust him because he believed Maul's claim that he wanted to use the holocron's knowledge to destroy the Sith. Please consider turning it on! Kanan managed to broker a truce whereby they would take Klik-Klak to Chopper Base for interrogation but return him to Geonosis once they had finished. Hera explained that during the Clone Wars, Cham fought alongside theJedito free Ryloth from the Separatists, but after theRepublicbecame the Empire and refused to leave, he started to fight them. He joined the rebel crew of the Ghost . For the mission to Reklam Station, Ezra, accompanied by Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, Rex, and Hondo, traveled to Yarma in the Phantom. In the series finale of Star Wars Rebels, Jedi Ezra Bridger sacrifices everything to liberate the planet of Lothal, bringing Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Empire and his Imperial I-class Star Destroyer into deep hyperspace. Ezra and his master contacted the Ghost only to learn that Maul had taken Hera, Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine captive. Involvement with the rebellion forced Ezra to face the harsh realities of war, and over the years bury many friends, including Ahsoka Tano and his master, Kanan. Same clan as Bo-Katan. After returning to Lando's farm, Ezra and the Rebels proceeded with their plan and successfully bypassed the Imperial blockade, leaving Ezra's homeworld behind. The boy immediately participated in the ritual designed by Chava to guide her and Gron to their world but noticed Zeb remaining distant as if he did not want any part of it. The rebels would also destroy the facility by using detonators to ignite the volatile Clouzon-36 gas around the refinery in order to deny it to the Empire. Ezra can't undo the things he's done, but he can stop his past from ruining the future. It is just jealousy or something more..? Star wars fanfiction anakin broken ribs - as well as Ezra says Kanan told him that Anakin was the greatest warrior the Jedi Order had during the Clone Wars, and that he has been studying Anakin's holocron recordings in order to become a better duelist. Ezra was able to relate Maul's tragic experience with the Sith to his own experience with the Empire. Yet, the Clone Wars is coming to an end. *Enter Zeb. When three TIE fighters past over head, Ezra could tell that it meant nothing good as he and his master went to join the other rebels inside. They went anyway to Vizago and Ezra was able to convince him into helping them after revealing Kanan's Jedi identity, as well as his own. The Jedi and the Republic never fell, Anakin didn't fall and Palpatine in dead. Just a Mauzra and Kyva fanfic The next morning, as promised, Bossk gave Ezra the contents of his strongbox, which turned out to be just seventy-five credits, and the Trandoshan bade him farewell. The rebels were then attacked by a Viper Probe Droid. With reinforcements closing in and the hyperdrive under repairs, Ezra gave his fellow rebels a hand on shooting down the TIE bombers when the returned and attacked, causing minor damage to the carrier. With the help of these allies, Ezra and Sabine were able to steal the TIE Defender Elite prototype and, more importantly, its Flight Data Recorder and hyperdrive. Six months after he deserted, Ezra meets a bounty hunter that will change his life. He was IC-13. When Ezra and his companions awoke, they found themselves captives of the Super Tactical Droid Kalani, who revealed that he had prevented the shut-down order that occurred after Order 66. Ezra and his comrades eventually reached a dead-end only to be cornered by several battle droids and a Droideka. Ezra is in love with Sabine but Sabine doesn't like how Ezra changed after she was with her family. However, the plan to evacuate Ezra was delayed when he and Zare discovered that another cadet Jai Kell had shown an affinity with the Force and attracted the attention of the Grand Inquisitor. In response, Ezra and Rex headed to the command tower to override the locks. [ Twins Concept ] Ezra would also use these skills to steal from others. Upon arriving at the black market spaceport Nixus Hub 218, the two discovered that the buyer was Azmorigan, who was expecting Vizago instead and had them loaded into a loading dolly with the intention of firing them into space. Star Wars Rebels - Wikipedia The other crewmates agreed to that idea, and Hera reluctantly turned the ship about to flew alongside the creatures. thelma schoonmaker films; mobile suit variations pdf; how to find someone on tinder by name Star Wars Rebel: Jedi Master Ezra Skywalker - Wattpad "Never thought I'd see the day Ezra Bridger would miss a party. Working together, the rebels and Separatist droids decided to delay the advancing Imperial AT-AT and AT-DP walkers. Seconds later, Ezra and Kanan were face to face with Darth Vader himself and tried to fight him off, but the Dark Lord was too powerful to handle. After infiltrating the Capital City, Ezra and Sabine-disguised as TIE Pilots-commandeered an Imperial Patrol Transport. ", Holding Sabine in his arms, Ezra smiles. Ezra and his comrades were present when Kallus praised the rebels for reprogramming the Imperial Infiltrator Droid EXD-9 into an improvised bomb. Once aboard, they were greeted by the Theelin crew member Gooti Terez and her human comrade Jonner Jin. Hearing Ahsokas voice, Ezra sought her out and found the moment just before Vader struck her down. It also temporarily fused Ezra and Mauls minds, and in trying to sever the force connection allowed Ezra to discover the World Between Worlds. Morad noted that Ezra had grown and complimented the young rebel for making his parents proud. Star wars rebels fanfiction ezra is a grey jedi When Ezra realized his actions, he wondered what was wrong. What are you going to do about it?
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