They will be gathered together at the inspiration of Satan. number. (function() { His instructions are to praise God. Thus, whether the books or the book be examined, all conspire to declare the justice, the solemn but most affecting righteousness, of God's final irrevocable sentence. Thank God. I find no fault in Him" ( Luke 23:14 ). For I am not aware that any scripture treats of the subject, beyond laying down principles such as we have sought to apply to the case. The "word" that comes from Gods mouth is to be used to conquor! They lived, and were put therefore into a place and condition suitable for reigning with Christ, no less than the Old Testament saints and the church itself. a. the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, So, Here, on the other hand, is something which is valid for all time. Hence the effort of some to prop up a manifestly false reading. supper of the Lamb represents the millennial kingdom of Christ, which will take In other words, this is the characteristic title for God in the Revelation. Revelation 19:1 "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in But now He is ready to return and establish His kingdom and take us unto Himself and the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife, or bride, has made herself ready. This may suffice for Revelation 18:1-24. I will give to him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. reign with Christ in the millennial kingdom. Then the word is, "Award her even as she awarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she mixed, mix to her double. Some evade the difficulty by referring the desolation to the Gothic powers; and these Protestants, as if they were mere Praeterists! (faithful to Jesus). 1:4; Heb. The Jewish marriage consisted of three major elements: (3) The marriage feast (supper), as was discussed just before. From Revelation 4 through 19 we have a section mainly concerned with God's judgment upon the world preceding Jesus' earthly reign, the period known as the "Messianic Woes" or the "Great Tribulation." a. God's judgments are announced by a seven-sealed scroll, seven trumpets, seven signs, and seven bowls that pour out God's wrath. All these things have their place in Babylon the great. It was John's instinct to worship the angelic messenger; but the angel forbids him to do that, because the angels are no more than men's fellow-servants. The rebellion that had begun in the Garden of Eden is finally ended. Then and thus is aggravated guilt in the case of this wicked son. linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.". We say that he is great! 23:5). others may live (see article About Hence the horns and the beast join together and desolate the harlot. "And he that sat upon him called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." Now manifestly, if the Lord does not come before this, there is no world to come to; for the earth and heavens are fled. The speaker isn't identified but is probably an angel and refers to God as our It is for your sin that He is dying. But "nations of them which are saved," is a most anomalous expression, and betrays man as the author of it. We must therefore look a little into the two objects Babylon and the beast. But according to His principle of government it is not merely personal guilt, but that which, from despising the testimony of God, is thus morally accumulating from age to age in the ratio of the testimony of God and the wickedness that has been indulged by men in spite of it. The visions of this prophetic book open, not with the rapture of saints to heaven, but the sight of saints already raptured, often before the seer in the visions, but seen always in a complete condition without addition to their number. The reason is given at the close; not only "by thy sorcery were all the nations deceived," but above all "in her was found [the] blood of prophets and saints, and of all the slain upon the earth.". Not that any of those judged (and the scene described is solely a resurrection of judgment) are said to be written there: we are shown rather that they were not found in that book. There is no doubt that THE RIDER ON THE WHITE HORSE In 19:11 IS CHRIST. The book of life will confirm what is gathered from the books. is a myth. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God. It is not the enjoyment of all, but it is the hinge on which all depends. The angels are never "called," although they may be "chosen;" and though termed holy, I do not recollect that they are ever spoken of as "faithful." We have been washed in His blood, and we have on our white It should not be "and which had not," but rather, "and those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image, neither had received his mark upon their forehead, and on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Her part in the corruption of the high and the intoxication of the low her idolatrous character has come before us. and righteousness to the world. 11:2; Eph. Now, this law that has the backing of the Greek Orthodox Church, or it was instituted because of the Greek Orthodox Church against proselytization, is the law that they used to charge him.In Egypt it is a capital offense to lead a Muslim to a faith in Jesus Christ. It is entirely in His hand, and in none other's. smite the nations . Revelation 19:18 Commentaries: so that you may eat the flesh of kings That is prophecy centers around the person of Jesus Christ. Verses 6-10: Omnipotent: God is all-powerful, and reigneth over His Revelation 19:2 "For true and righteous [are] his judgments: for he hath judged The beast is Nero redivivus; the false prophet is the provincial organization which administered Caesar worship; those who have the mark of the beast are they who have worshipped at the shrine of Caesar; the kings of the earth and their armies are the Parthian hosts, which Nero was to lead again against Rome and against the world. "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. The abusso or abyss is probably in the very center of the earth, because it is called and correctly translated "bottomless pit." All the dispensational names of God disappear. What is this name? This is the last main section of the Book of Revelation. Verse 8. Revelation 6 Verse By Verse Bible Study Guide With Discussion Questions Revelation 6 Bible study guide with verse by verse teaching, applications, and discussion questions to supercharge your study of the Word. "Alive the two were cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone." The fallen angels are not called, and the holy angels never need to be they are kept. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 19 God accounts my faith for righteousness. Nothing more is to be done. So, Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. This is of great importance. And to her [that is the bride of Christ, the church] was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints ( Revelation 19:8 ). (i) He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, not his own but that of his enemies. Revelation 19 Commentary - Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible Christ is described by two words. as the Complut. Voices cry out joyfully that the Lord reigns and the marriage supper of the Lamb is ready. Gods sovereignty (verse 6); and. She followed and had inherited the spirit of all, from the days of Cain, who had lifted up their hands against their righteous brethren. It is the eternal state; and also, in fact, the fullest description of that state which is furnished in the Bible. So, He is coming to bring an end of man's rebellion. There stands the solemn brand graven, not on the blasphemous beast, but on the forehead of its rider, "Mystery, Babylon the great." _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); First, "I saw thrones, and they sat upon them." So, vultures are invited from all over the earth to come and feast on the supper that God prepares. God said, "Light be," and light was. event in the biblical world. The letters Y-H-W-H (Yahweh) are called the sacred tetragrammaton, the sacred four letters. It may well be that John intended the double meaning; and that we are meant not to choose between the meanings, but to accept both of them. Once again John finds his inspiration in the words of Scripture. The one therefore throws much light upon the other. There is going to be another supper, a supper prepared by God for all the birds. That is something that God will never have to do, apologize. 11:25-27). That pagan Rome, therefore, should set itself against Christianity was to be expected, and so the fact proved. And as for the twelve tribes of Israel, they are merely written there, nothing more. Old Testament prophecy and New Testament preaching is the gospel of the Lord Revelation 20. We have here a note of time of signal value. The cosmic drama is drawing to a close. But you can go ahead and do these things without pangs of conscience trying to destroy God out of our society, out of our lives. heaven. Now, this vesture dipped in blood is probably a reference to Isaiah sixty-three. These are representative of This third description of judgment is an allusion to Isaiah 63:2-3; Jeremiah 51:33; Lamentations 1:15; Joel 3:13 (cf. So, darkness covered the face of the deep and God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. This is the first resurrection.". there is no sword proceeding out of our mouth; nor are the saints or heavenly hosts said to be arrayed in such a sort as the Lord. (iv) There is fidelity. 2 Everything that he decides is right and fair. There follows praise from the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures. The gospel had been preached there, as she of Chaldea was not without law and prophet. Once again we must remember that this picture is demonstrably painted in Jewish terms. The unrenewed of the nations are now compassing them with their countless hosts, as if to eat them up like grasshoppers. But a voice issues from the throne, saying, "Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great. The worst of all sins is to teach others to sin. I do know that whatever He does will be absolutely fair. Revelation 6 Verse By Verse Bible Study Guide With Discussion Questions Revelation 19 begins with a multitude in heaven singing a doxology to God. of the bride, the Lamb's wife. Afterwards we come to the description of itself, of its wall, its building, its foundations, and its gates. So the marriage feast of the Lamb will take place here on the earth. The marriage feast will take place on earth following Christ's return with the *The description here is simply character, not dates. Accordingly the resuscitated Roman empire will carry men away by a storm of wonder at its revival. John saw heaven opened and a RIDER UPON A WHITE HORSE verse 11. . * Even the Complutensian editors give the right text here; and it would seem that Erasmus failed to use his MS. aright. At his rebuke nations shall flee before him, And he shall reprove sinners for the thoughts of their hearts, There is a Rabbinic picture of the Messiah: "How beauteous is the king Messiah, who is about to rise from the house of Judah. (ii) His name is the Word of God. The decem-regal division of the broken empire in the West, as all know, was long after Rome had ceased to be heathen. "I Jesus sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. I have examined Him. Is not this reason enough for saying that not even the shadow of solid ground appears for the system? 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. It is remarkable, that all along this book, idolatry and He was filled with astonishment that this mysterious form of evil, this counter-testimony of the enemy (not antichrist, but antichurch), should seem and be largely accepted as the holy catholic church of God, that Christendom, if not Christianity, should at the same time become the bitterest of persecutors, more murderously incensed against the witnesses of Jesus and the saints of God than ever paganism had been in any country or all ages. But whatever subsisted then, that which the Spirit here presents as a whole cannot be found realized at any point of time in the past. Thus everything implies their simultaneous presence for the same time and common action with the beast, in plundering and then destroying Babylon. And God said is the recurring phrase in the narrative of creation ( Genesis 1:3; Genesis 1:6; Genesis 1:9; Genesis 1:14; Genesis 1:26). The twelve apostles of the Lamb will accordingly have their own special place. Thus the language of symbol is as definite as any other. It is a question here of distinctive character, apart from that of time, for which we must search other scriptures. This does not intimate we have seen that there is only one act of raising, but that all who share that resurrection, whenever raised, are raised before the millennium begins; so that when the reign of Christ takes place, all such have part in the first resurrection, including Christ Himself, raised at least 1800 years before the church; then the church, with the Old Testament saints; then these Apocalyptic saints at any rate some years after. He uses a "staff" to gently nudge or guide his sheep. Yet one allows freely a partial application already. The woman was there seen sitting on a scarlet-coloured beast, i.e., the well-known imperial power of the Roman Empire, "full of [the] names of blasphemy" in its wicked opposition to God, and clothed with the forms we have already seen "seven heads and ten horns." If the books proclaim the evil works of the dead that stand before the throne, the book of life offers no defence on the score of God's grace.
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